Sunday, May 22, 2016

Highlites from AFTER TIFFANY opening

After Tiffany - is my 6th solo show in New York. Coincidentally it was part of the 6th Annual LIC Arts Open Festival. At this show I presented 13 works through which I went after a message of personal story.

Who can be happy?
And who talks about wanting to be happy but doesn’t know how?
Is my happiness a choice?
High pressure and extreme temperature became normal.
And we went under earth.  
And we went digging and digging,
And when I almost was ready to give up right there, deep underground Hard rock under extreme pressure and extreme high temperature transformed into a diamond.
People say only under these circumstances, only in this heavy way the diamond can be born.
While listening to jazz we put that diamond on my finger.
And after tiffany…after tiffany, it didn’t become easier or cooler.
After tiffany it is not all in greenish blue.
And that is how I know we have a chance to find more of those precious stones.   

 During the introduction speech to the show I recited my first poem in English

 (from right) Maurice Haughton, me, Scott Marshall Griffin, Melanie Lemieux

 with Melanie Lemieux - the owner/director of New York Stage of Mind

 with Emily O'Leary - Associate Curator at Derfner Judaica Museum + The Art Collection at Hebrew Home at Riverdale, and Ana Paulina Sucre
 with painter Mariella Franceschi

 TV and radio host Miguel Moreno and sculptor Kathryn Beckwith

   Performance by Ariel Kleinberg

with artist Maud Bryt

Марина Білак 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Event AFTER TIFFANY welcoms Ariel Kleinberg

My show AFTER TIFFANY at New York Stage of Mind will be welcoming a great artist
Ariel Kleinberg. Ariel is a painter and performer from New York, NY. We anticipate to see a special performance filled with mysterious symbols reflecting the complexity of creative being.

Opening reception - Thursday, May 19th, 6-9pm
at New York Stage of Mind
37-34 29th St, Long Island City , NY 11101
LIC Arts Open 2016

Sunday, May 15, 2016

LIC Arts Open - After Tiffany - Maryna Bilak

My Third Show in May - AFTER TIFFANY
A story (a personal one) about diamond and life after it.
Opening reception - Thursday, May 19th, 6-9pm
at New York Stage of Mind
37-34 29th St, Long Island City , NY 11101
LIC Arts Open 2016 - The biggest Annual Art Festival in Long Island City